On 'Fat Sunday' in Viana do Bolo's Carnival, the Festa do Androlla or Androlla Feast is celebrated. This is a massive meal that takes place after the parade of fuliones. More than 3,000 people gather inside the sports hall and in marquees set up around it. Nobody leaves hungry!
The menu begins with a broth with croutóns, followed by cachelos (boiled potatoes) with turnip greens, ham, chorizo and androlla. After that, there is an amazing roasted lamb with salad. The menu ends with bica from Viana (a kind of sponge cake) and the traditional queimada, cauldrons of very strong liqueurs which burn with a blue flame before they're served.
Androlla is a typical sausage from Viana, smoked like a chorizo and stuffed with sliced, marinated pork rib, all seasoned with salt, sweet and spicy pepper and a little garlic. It needs to be smoked for ten days and dried for about two months before it's ready to cook.
Tickets can be bought from the Town Hall. Remember that places are limited and the event sells out quickly. You won't get in without a ticket!
